Read recent media coverage about the First Folio's visit to the UA.
First Folio Fights Off Agents of Decay (UANews, March 10, 2016)
Book of the Bard (Tucson Weekly, March 10, 2016)
ASU professors to delve into Hamlet as part of month-long Shakespeare celebration (The State Press, March 1, 2016)
A double dose of Shakespeare at UA (Arizona Daily Star, February 24, 2016)
All Dressed Up for Shakespeare (UA News, February 24, 2016)
Shakespeare, Up Close and Personal (UA News, February 22, 2016)
Shakespeare: You Can Run, But You Can't Hide (UA News, February 17, 2016)
Finding the Human Experience in Shakespeare's Words (UA News, February 15, 2016)
Shakespeare's First Folio will pay an extended visit to Tucson (Arizona Daily Star, February 13, 2016)
UA Hosts William Shakespeare's First Folio (Arizona Public Media, February 12, 2016)
Shakespeare's Original Folio Arrives In Arizona (KJZZ/NPR-Phoenix, February 11, 2016)
Finding Shakespeare (Arizona Public Media, February 11, 2016)
Talking With the Experts on Shakespeare (UANews, February 11, 2016)
Valentine's Day Plus Shakespeare Equals Love, UA Style (UANews, February 10, 2016)
Women in Shakespeare: Like the Times, It’s Complicated (UANews, February 5, 2016)
UA to Stage a Visit from Shakespeare (UANews, January 15, 2016)
Shakespeare's First Folio in Tucson, at Tucson Festival of Books (Arizona Daily Star, January 5, 2016)